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The East 125th Street Community Visioning Action Plan includes a number of key recommendations that directly emerged from a rigorous year-long community visioning process that included steering committee meetings, community visioning charrettes and town halls for feedback. Over 40 key stakeholder representatives, including from two dozen local community organizations, state and local agencies, and East Harlem elected leaders participated in events to develop a shared understanding of the area’s major challenges and opportunities for equitable revitalization.

The plan includes concept designs and guidelines for the overall study area and also key areas to focus advocacy efforts. This includes a combination of capital projects and policies to support the concerns and desires of residents, neighborhood small business owners, and area visitors/commuters alike. The plan considers the anticipated growth in East Harlem based on the recent rezoning of the area and also the addition of the Second Phase of the Second Avenue Subway Line (Q and T) and aims to address a number of challenges and concerns that may result.

The Vision Plan's recommendations are based on four identified goals:

Goal 1: Make East 125th Street an accessible and efficient transit center that better serves community and commuter needs.

Goal 2: Support East Harlem / El Barrio artistic and cultural traditions, stimulate the local economy, and enhance neighborhood social services.

Goal 3: Create fair and vibrant public spaces to support the community's social, economic, and cultural needs.

Goal 4: Promote environmental resilience and sustainability to promote community health and keep the neighborhood safe from extreme weather.

You can download the full report here .

This plan is currently being used for community advocacy meetings with City and State leaders and serves as a guide for achieving an equitable and sustainable future in East Harlem.